GCViewer Commandline

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Running the GC Viewer

Non-interactive mode (produces CSV file summary)

An example of running GC viewer in non-interactive mode:

java -jar target/gcviewer-1.29.jar my_gc_log.log my_summary.csv

Example Script:


The generated CSV file looks like this:

gcLogFile, temp_gclog_input, -
footprint, 128.25, M
footprintAfterFullGC, 69.792, M
footprintAfterFullGCs, 2232.118, K
footprintAfterFullGCisSig, true, bool
freedMemoryByFullGC, 2643.391, M
freedMemoryByFullGCpc, 9.9, %
avgFreedMemoryByFullGC, 17.623, M/coll
avgFreedMemoryByFullGCs, 3874.805, K/coll
avgFreedMemoryByFullGCisSig, true, bool

Interactive mode

To run the GC Viewer in ‘normal’ interactive mode, opening a log file SampleSun1_5_0CMS_PrintGCDetails.txt:

java -jar target/gcviewer-1.29.jar src/test/resources/com/tagtraum/perf/gcviewer/imp/SampleSun1_5_0CMS_PrintGCDetails.txt

This will run the GC Viewer user interface, and will open the given log file.

No CSV file is generated.

. . this site by sean ryan str_ie{at}yahoo.co.uk as part of Nature Ireland Apps www.natureireland.com/apps